The Campus has a complete Production Function is at VEDU’s headquarters, located at 95, Moatfield Drive, NorthYork. The total workspace of the building has 5-story + 3 basement level, 3,000 sqft each floor. In 2023/24 Phase-I, built out and grand opening: teaching facility for 600 students/faculty, and production/venue facility for 2,000 daily in-and-out.
Featured Architecture
The high-light (pending construction permit) is a Virtual Production Stage Center, with a Theme of a Sci-Fi feature IP, which highlights the modern virtual production function, as well as a visual impact to signify the classic French Brutalist (the 1980s) architecture style with a modern touch (2024). Within this new stage structure, a commercial-class LED Volume Virtual Production Stage is installed, enclosed, matches the landscaping, and does not impact the micro nature ecosystem.
Main Capacity: The 95th Moatfield Drive will open starting the 2023/24 Academic Year. The Virtual Production Center combined with Toronto Animation College occupies 200,000+ square feet, plus 3 levels of basements as storage and support spaces. The combined growth with the college together has an annually doubled growth of the faculty-student body, education-production revenue, and profit.
Mainstream, Differentiation & Outstanding
Among all IPO enterprises that are in education:
We are in common:
- International career education market
- Online class products.
Then what we stand out:
- Elevated industrial technologies in latest virtual production;
- Popular market demands of applications in new media visual communication;
Our pioneered feature:
- Edu-production Fusion environment of a career school & its campus production.
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